
Friday, January 27, 2017

Cargo Lots of Cargo!

The merchant ship Uncanny is carrying some lucrative cargo that it intends to sell along its travelling route. Below is a list of some of the items:

1 Bubble metal fabber
1/2 ton of high-end brain implants (TL18)
1 ton of Class A pharamceuticals (TL18)
2 tons high-end computer parts (TL18)
5 tons of TL 18 small arms
4 tons of perishable food
Six packaged Zero Tau capsules
Sixteen boxed nanotech naval androids
Twelve boxed orbital zero-g repair robots
Live Cargo: 8 breeding pairs of Meowls (delivery to Ringbolt)
Live Cargo: 4 breeding pairs of M'Rets (delivery to Ringbolt)
2 tons pre-loaded info datacards
5 tons of TL18 self-repairing (nanotech) space bouys: navigation, surveillance, communication and marker bouys

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